The 1.7.10 Pack

Our 1.7.10 Pack server is running on a dedicated server with an i7 with 12GB DDR4 allocated to the server, along with SSD storage for ultimate performance. We strive for 24/7 uptime with no lag, and our administrators are very proactive at resolving any potential issues before they affect players.

– No world border
– Factions
– Economy
– Server Shop
– PvP on all worlds except Kepler-22b
– PvE (+ personal regions) on Kepler-22b
– Friendly players & staff
– Ranks & kits based on playtime/PvP 
– No paid ranks or donation spam 
– Player lottery with server matching every pot 

Server Rules

  • Be respectful of other players.
  • Raiding is allowed, except on Kepler-22B (PvE dimension).
  • Raided loot is not permitted on Kepler whatsoever- this includes having it accessible via linked ME terminals or other means. Any Kepler base with raided items is subject to a full inventory wipe.
  • Chat mods are allowed to raid, Moderators and Admins cannot.
  • Mod/admin bases are not to be raided, as they cannot retaliate. Land claimed by staff’s factions is fair game, as long as the faction has non-staff members.
  • Please report any bugs or glitches. Bug bounties will be awarded for significant issues.
  • Creative items are not permitted. If you find creative items, report them to staff immediately.
  • Almost anything is acceptable in chat, at the discretion of online staff. Toxic behavior may result in a temporary mute.
  • Spamming, excessive language, or illegal content will result in a mute/kick/ban at discretion of staff.
  • If you have an issue with a player’s messages, report it to a Chat Mod or Moderator.
  • Extra mods such as xray, cheating essentials, etc. are forbidden. Optifine and other non-cheat mods are fine.
  • Follow any orders given by staff members.
  • There is no appeals process if you are banned for violating these rules.
  • Loopholes to these rules will be treated as a violation of the relevant rule.